Diamond Life Accelerator

Your New Life Awaits...

A Recap Of What You're Getting Today...

  • Online Access to The Accelerator Core Curriculum ($3,497 Value)
  • 7 Of My Best Worksheets and Guides ($697 Value)
  • 8 Epic Calculators, Trackers, and Dashboards ($1,497 Value)
  • 3 Months of Live Bi-Weekly Training Class for FREE ($1,200 Value)
    --> Continues at $98/month after. Cancel anytime.
  • Private Facebook Group ($197 Value)
  • That’s over $7,058 worth of value, plus the PRICELESS gift of knowing you are on the right path and saving years of struggle compared to figuring it out on your own

[  As this program consists purely of intellectual property and digital downloads, there are NO REFUNDS offered. By purchasing you acknowledge your understanding of this policy ]

What People Are Saying:

The best investment I made in the last year and a half was starting my business. The second best investment I made was mentorship with Balazs one year into biz. Balazs’ mentorship is invaluable and is no small part in what has gotten me to the first top rank in my company in just a year and a half (which is the exact goal I set for myself)! From our very first mentorship call, I knew my business was about to be optimized in a major way. What I didn’t know was that my life was going to be optimized, too. Working with Balazs has truly transformed the way I approach my business, leadership, and life as a whole. There’s a reason he calls it The Diamond Life, and it’s beyond worth it to find out what that is.

Samantha Budow

Working with Balazs has been amazing; his knowledge, wisdom and real honesty is everything I needed in my business and more. The live calls are genuinely life-changing. Sometimes all it takes is hearing something you've already heard before framed and delivered differently, and that's exactly what Balazs does. I feel so supported in my business, and there have been some huge shifts. I have ranked up, which I worked toward for 7 months, and have definitely levelled up my content and leadership game. I feel so aligned and excited for what's to come. I've also removed any element of trying to be in a position in my business I'm not in yet. Balazs helps you realise that running a successful business is more than just making sales and that there's a lot more to it. I'm so excited to see how many people this programme will help, and I can't recommend it enough.

Harriet McKay

My 1st call with Balazs brought me to tears from the AH HA moments he provided, leading me to realize where my thoughts, actions, and intentions were holding me back from allowing and receiving the true successes I dream of. Within 2 weeks of that call random sales and leads were flowing abundantly to me from the shifts I was able to make, and next thing I knew I was 3A! 🙏🏼🙌🏼The Accelerator is next level for organizing your whole life and setting you up for success, so grateful for it and glad I didn’t wait on investing! Diamond life baby let’s go!💎🚀

Jenn Mazzamurro

The biweekly calls help amp me up and they have given me much more clarity about how I wish to run my business as well as tools to use on the journey. I’m still learning, still going back over the course and implementing all over again, and I can’t believe the value I’ve received from this mentorship program. I am currently doing a complete reboot of my business, seeing it with fresh eyes and changing the way in which I do things based off of what I’ve learned so far, and I am excited to see where it’ll take me.

Camilla Theusen

$1,000.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Make sure you tick this box to claim access to your FREE 3 months of Group Coaching!


Continues at $98/month after initial 3 month period is over. Cancel any time.